
80-90% of individuals, is bacteria on the tongue. Standard tongue scrapers often become ineffective over time due to material degradation and poor design that leads to buildup.


The Genie Free-Standing Tongue Scraper is designed to stand freely, preventing the typical buildup and ensuring it remains clean and fresh for each use. Crafted from high-grade 318 stainless steel, it enhances both durability and hygiene.

Set to launch later this year, this scraper offers a sustainable and effective solution for maintaining oral hygiene.

The design reflects the brand’s personality, blending functional elegance with technical precision. This not only delivers a superior cleaning experience but also reinforces the brand’s commitment to delivering trusted and effective products.

The scraper's dual-edge design, one flat and one grooved, allows users to select the cleaning intensity that best suits their personal comfort and needs, ensuring a customized and thorough cleanse. Its precisely contoured ergonomic handle provides maximum control and grip.

The development process involved meticulous coordination from vendor selection to final product specifications. This included detailed communications and iterative sampling to refine the design and finishes, ensuring the scraper meets the highest standards for functionality and quality.